香茶房剛引入一批日本製的茶煲及手沖茶壼 / 咖啡壼!老闆原先被茶壼的設計吸引——這些具有「靚仔」外型的茶壼,來自日本新潟的「燕三条」﹙燕市與三条市的合稱﹚,是日本著名生產鐵器、金屬物﹙金物﹚的地方。茶壼不厚重,但其實由數層金屬所組成;外型除了一貫的日式簡潔美麗,那個茶壼的彎彎手柄,是有實質好處!只需輕輕轉動手腕,便可以注出熱水,而幼身的壼口出水流暢平均土,即使出水至最後,餘下的水亦會均勻流出,不會滴出來,而且壼內的水都會「傾壼而出」,不會有水剩流在壼內。
我們嘗試用這不銹鋼手沖壼﹙kettle﹚來煲水沖泡斯里蘭卡紅茶,發現手沖壼容易控制,其出水均勻流暢,注水沖泡時,可以看到紅茶茶葉在茶壼裏跳動——沖泡紅茶,最重要就是讓茶葉舞動起來!﹙Let the tea leaves dance! ﹚這樣茶味才會出來。
銀色彎柄手沖壼 $580
0.6L 茶壼﹙黑 / 銀﹚ $680
0.3L 急須形茶壼 ﹙黑 / 銀﹚$480
以上銀色 手沖壼 皆可使用明火 / IH 爐/電磁爐/ 電陶爐 加熱
以上黑色 手沖壼 則 *不能*使用明火,只可以用 IH爐/ 電磁爐 / 電陶爐加熱
/ 器物,能提昇食物與飲品的味道的又一例證
Tsubame Sanjo is a famous place for metal products.
Our selected kettle is the perfect quality for brewing black tea and dripping coffee.
The spout is made to narrowest possible to pour out the water calm and stable.
Even the water come out is very small amount, the water will not be interrupted.
The brewed tea using the kettle is fully high aroma and smooth in mouth with less bitterness.
As air is fully contained to water, the leaves will dance in the pot up and down for few minutes.
This is very important for tea taste fully come out.
You may be amazed with the difference of the tea taste using the kettle.
Kettle(Silver) 0.9L $580
Tea Pot 0.6L(Black/Silver) $680
Single drip kettle 0.3L(Black/Silver) $480
*Silver color is available for direct flame/IH heater/Electrothermal heater
*Black color is not available for direct flame. IH and Electrothermal heater is available.