
2021年度大吉嶺 夏摘茶

🌿2021年度大吉嶺 夏摘茶🌝🌸︰Singbulli Himalayan Dew 2021】
本年度 #大吉嶺 #夏摘茶 又到咗香茶房嘞~~
今年老闆購入了 Singbulli 莊園的 Himalayan Dew 同 Phuguri 莊園的 Tippy Clonal. 今年的Himalayan Dew 除了茶葉本身靚,造工都好好,每片茶葉都經過仔細揉捻,茶葉能釋出優雅的麝香葡萄香味及豐潤的甜味。老闆覺得今年呢隻 Himalayan Dew 如果能儲存得宜,一兩年後的味道一定更好~~ 就如 2019年的 Himalayan Dew 夏摘茶,兩年後的今天再嘗,明顯變得更甘醇,別有一番韻味~~
今年 Himalayan Dew 的產量只有 20公斤,香茶房買了 10公斤回來。可能老闆娘仍在外地,未能嘗到今年的 Himalayan Dew, 喜歡大吉嶺茶的朋友,請快啲代我試吓~~
Enjoy the taste of the season~~
Fresh Darjeeling Second Flush arrived~~🍃
Singbulli Himalayan Dew 2021

Fresh Darjeeling 2nd flush just arrived!
This year’s quality is very nice as weather was drier than last year.
This year we imported Singbulli Himalayan Dew and Phuguri Tippy Clonal.

This year’s Himalayan Dew is very delicately rolled.
Elegant muscatel flavor with rich sweetness.
I am very much expecting this tea will become much better tea 1-2 years later.
(Himalayan Dew 2019 becomes much much better quality after 2years of aging)

Production of only 20kg and we have imported 10kg only.

Enjoy the taste of the season~~☕️

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