龍爪梅花皮 香茶房 獨家發售】
由滋賀縣 陶藝家 岩崎政雄先生獨步創作的「龍爪梅花皮」陶器,又再响香茶房出現嘞,今次仲多咗好多唔同類型嘅器皿同款式,如 手柄茶壼、中式
“Ryusokairagi” come
Long time we have not imported “龍爪梅花皮” but now they are back with new designed tea wares.
The unique patterns of glazing looks like “Claws of Dragon”.
Enjoy your tea time with the “Cool Beauty “ tea wares.
Long time we have not imported “龍爪梅花皮” but now they are back with new designed tea wares.
The unique patterns of glazing looks like “Claws of Dragon”.
Enjoy your tea time with the “Cool Beauty “ tea wares.
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