
新到鳳凰單欉春茶 高山鴨屎香 New arrival Phoenix Oolong

今日介紹新到的「#高山鴨屎香」 鳳凰單欉。去年春季我哋都有入過未經烘焙的鴨屎香,滿滿的茉莉花香。今年的鴨屎來自海拔更高的地方,樹齡也較老,其花香更純淨而多層次,還有傳統炭烘焙的效果就令茶身更醇厚。相信這茶放久了,炭焙香或會消退,但花香會隨時日變得更香醇。
去年的鴨屎香來自 800米山地,今年的來自 1200米高山。去年的鴨屎香以花香制勝,但茶味較單薄;今年來自高山古樹的鴨屎香,則茶韻較深邃~它也是因為今年空運有阻礙,因而有機會來到香港的茶。往年它們都到歐美去。由於每年產量不多,同樣只有大約 4 公斤,我們都只能購入 2 公斤。
High mountain “Duck Shit Aroma”~~
The second tea to introduce is high mountain grown “Dick Shit Aroma”.
This tea is one of the most beautiful flowery flavor tea among Phoenix Oolong. #鳳凰單叢
Very pure and high flowery aroma with carbon roasted aroma as this is very fresh tea.
After storing some while, carbon aroma gone but flowery aroma will be even stronger.
Last year we imported mid-level(800m) tea which is very strong beautiful flowery aroma.
But taste was a bit light.
This high mountain tea has rich and strong taste with beautiful aroma.
This tea will not be able to buy in previous years as a oversea buyer have bought all the production of the year.
Fortunately we got the chance to be shared in this year .
We have got 2kg available out of 4kg production.
Place: 烏崬山
Age of tree:95years

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