萬花筒 玻璃杯 Kaleidoscope Glass
老闆從富山帶回了幾隻 「万華鏡玻璃杯」,「万華鏡」,即萬花鏡。
在玻璃小杯中注入水、清酒,馬上看到有如萬花筒的模樣。工匠在玻璃杯底塗上一層 Raden,即天然樹漆上飾上 幻彩碎片——這些幻彩碎片其實是蠔殼,但不是整個蠔殼都可以弄成萬花筒的圖案,每
Kaleidoscope Glass(万華鏡玻璃杯)
I have brought back some beautiful glasses from the Toyama trip(富山).
As you fill the water to the glass it becomes like Kaleidoscope.
There are “Raden” work placed on the bottom of the glass.
Raden is a kind of traditional lacquer technique to decorate with trimmed abalone shell.#螺鈿
It is nice to drink tea or Sake to drink while seeing beautiful artwork of “Raden” and handmade glass~~~🍶
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