
新茶第一擊:靜岡新茶~ Shizuoka Fresh Tea

🌿 新茶第一擊:靜岡新茶~🌿
2019 Shizuoka Spring Tea

上星期尾採下來的靜岡新茶,今早坐飛機來到香茶房了😊!是最新鮮的2019 新茶呢!

茶園的Oota san 話今年的新茶是近三四年中最好的——因為今年的冬季沒有太冷,也不太熱,所以出來的茶頗為甘甜,苦澀度低;茶湯也是嫩綠的顏色。

金香 / 翠香 是煎茶(Sencha),是生長在茶園,接受陽光洗禮的茶,苦澀度較高,味道較開揚;而樂香/特樂 則是覆下茶(Kabuse cha),茶葉採摘下來前會被覆蓋約兩星期,故茶會帶點umami (旨味),感覺較深遂。

等新茶等到頸都長的你,可以來香茶房找到今年的靜岡春茶嘞!剛開封的新茶,格外有種鮮香,而這種freshness 會在一兩個月之內消去。所以,想享用鮮美的新茶,就要快到香茶房嘞!

Long awaited very very fresh tea arrived from Japan!!!

This year tea has strong Umami and sweetness but less bitterness .
Color is also very beautiful green color.
This years tea seems very very good quality among previous few years.

Our tea supplier Oota san said this year was very fortunate for growing tea as not too cold but not too hot but less rainy day on harvest time.

All these super fresh tea are produced on last week and shipped by Express air mail.
You can enjoy “the taste of freshness” from the super fresh tea which might disappear in 1-2month from tea.

Please enjoy “the taste of freshness” which you can only enjoy this moment in a year



#香茶房 #Kaorisabo #新茶 #日本茶 #靜岡
#shizuoka #japanesetea #springtea #shincha #sencha #春茶 #Darjeeling#firstflush

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