高原有機玫塊 花草茶 Highland Rose!!

【 🌹高原有機玫塊 花草茶 🌹
🌹Kashmir Highland Organic Rose🌹


新來的玫瑰,我們嘗試用來拼配不同的花草茶,如玫瑰 + 薰衣草 + 洋甘菊﹙寧神之選!﹚、玫瑰 + 煎茶 + 薄荷 ﹙消暑解渴﹚,還有我們最滿意的「玫瑰花加賀棒焙茶」,4克 高原玫瑰 + 2克 高原玫瑰 + 400ml 熱水,即可泡出滿滿玫瑰香的玫瑰焙茶!之前有想過棒焙茶與玫瑰都較濃味,拼配結果都叫我們喜出望外。


Highland Rose + Kaga Bou Hojitea~🥀

Together with black tea,
We imported fresh aromatic rose which organically grown in Highland.

The aroma is sublime and elegant.
I and my wife tried to blend with many different tea to find out “the best combination “.

Finally we found it is “mix with Kaga bo Hoji” #加賀棒茶

Rose and bo Hoji aroma are very different .
However aromas are very Match to each other and will provide relaxing tea time to you~~☺️


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