We have workshop for how to brew Japanese Tea.
Please visit below link to apply the workshop.
We will offer the workshop from 1 person.
熱茶/Hot Tea
01 從熱水壼直接倒出熱水至陶瓷茶壼,有助熱水降溫
01 Pour hot water to tea pot.
Warm up tea pot and make the hot water to cool down.
02 將熱水倒進乾淨的陶瓷茶杯,有暖杯、助水降溫的作用
02Pour hot water to cups from tea pot.
Warm up tea cups and hot water to cool down
03 以茶匙取出約 5克 茶葉,倒入已溫熱的茶壼。
每5克日本煎茶茶葉,約可泡出 200ml - 250ml 的綠茶。
03 About 5g tea leaves for 200ml to 250ml for first time brewing.
(From Second time, about 300ml)
Since tea pot is warm, as you put tea leaves inside tea pot, tea leaves will be steamed.
將水溫降至攝氏 60 至 70度的熱水,由茶杯注入茶壼。
將水溫約 90 度的熱水,直接注入茶壼。
焙茶﹙Hoji Tea﹚
Pour back warm water to tea pot from tea cup.
Temperature of warm water will be 60-70 degree.
Genmai Tea
Pour 90 degree water.
Hoji Tea
Pour 100 degree boiling water.
07 靜候一分鐘……
煎茶︰約 1 分鐘
07 Brewing time:
Wait 1min (if 60degree, 1.5min will be better).
Genmai Tea & Hoji Tea
Wait about 30 seconds
冷泡茶/ Cold Brew Tea
1 將6克焙茶茶葉放於茶壼的茶隔之中
add 6g of tea leaves in the tea pot
2 加少許熱水,份量約足夠泡濕所有茶葉便可,以便讓茶葉更出味
add very few hot water on the tea leaves.
Just a little bit wet with hot water is ok .
3 倒入 500ml 凍水,凍水較暖水泡出來的茶更美味
add 500ml of cold water.
4 放入雪櫃,兩小時之後便成美味的冷泡焙茶。泡隔夜,茶味更香~ Oishii~
put in refrigerator and wait for 2h.
But waiting for over night will be much better taste!!
1. 將抹茶放進抹茶碗。沖泡薄茶﹙Usucha﹚需 1 至 1.5克抺茶;濃茶﹙Koicha﹚則需 2 至 3 克抺茶。
2. 加入約一茶匙冷水於抺茶之中,用茶筅打發至沒有抺茶微粒。然後加入50 至 60cc 開水﹙約 攝氏 90度﹚,再加以打發,1 分鐘後便成美味抺茶!
It is very easy to make Matcha.
Please refer the video below.
1, Take some Matcha to tea cup.
(薄茶Usucha 1-1.5g, 濃茶 Koicha 2-3g)
2, Add 50-60cc water
*First melt with a bit of cold water will be easier to melt
(70-80 degree)
3, Mix with "Chasen"