【新到大吉嶺 春摘茶︰Puttabong First Flush "Moondrops"2020】 Darjeeling 1st Flush #Puttabong " Moondrops “ arrived!! Top quality Darjeeling First Flush just arrived ~~~ Puttabong tea garden is famous for producing the best quality first flush in Darjeeling. Darjeeling 1st Flush is very different from other Black tea or 2nd flush Darjiling tea. Very greenish and fresh like green tea or fresh Oolong tea. This year we imported “Moon Drop” which is harvested under moon light on...
【🌿春試新茶:潮州鳳凰單欉 ☕🌿】 老闆試勻所有帶回來的鳳凰單欉春茶。 今年是我們第一次買入春茶——春季的單欉種類繁多,茶的花香、底蘊與質量,是全年中最好的。今年買到不同風味的單欉茶,當中還有驚喜的「單欉紅茶」呢! 希望下星期尾就會收到來自潮州的春茶吧!期待~~ Today I tried fresh Spring tea of Phoenix Oolong.#鳳凰単叢 My wife just visited tea farmers in #潮州 then...